Curriculum Vitae

Shinya Sato, PhD

Born: July 1978

Address: Fukui Prefectural University, 1-1 Gakuencho, Obama City, Fukui 917-0003, JAPAN

Tel: +81 770 52 6300

Position Held

Since 04/2021 Fukui Prefectural University, Japan: Professor

04/2018-03/2021 Fukui Prefectural University, Japan: Associate Professor

04/2014-03/2018 Fukui Prefectural University, Japan: Lecturer

04/2013-03/2014 Yamaguchi University, Japan: Post-doctoral Fellow

05/2012-03/2013 Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK: Research Associate

03/2010-03/2013 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK: Post-doctoral Fellow

03/2010-02/2012 University of Edinburgh, UK: Senior Research Fellow

07/2009-02/2010 Kochi University, Japan: Post-doctoral Fellow

04/2009-06/2009 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan: Research Fellow

06/2008-03/2009 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Research Associate)

04/2004-05/2005 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany: Guest Researcher


06/2005-05/2008 University of Bremen / Alfred-Wegener-Institut for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

04/2002-03/2004 Graduate School of Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan

04/1998-03/2002 Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan


PhD 07/2008: Natural Science

Advisors: Prof. Victor Smetacek and Prof. Linda K. Medlin

University of Bremen, Germany

MS 03/2004: Fisheries Science

Advisors: Prof. Tamotsu Nagumo and Prof. Jiro Tanaka

Graduate School of Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan

BS 03/2002: Fisheries Science

Advisors: Prof. Tamotsu Nagumo and Prof. Jiro Tanaka

Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan

Awards and Honours

- 2014 The British Phycological Society, Hilda Canter-Lund Annual Photography Award: Nominated

- 2009 Young Researcher Award of the Japanese Society of Phycology

- 2010 JSPS Overseas Research Fellowships: 2 years

- 2008 Summa cum Laude (first class honour) for PhD degree in University of Bremen

- 2005 DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) scholarship for doctoral research in Germany: 3 years

- 2004 Best poster award in 18th International Diatom Symposium

- 2002 Best poster award in 17th International Diatom Symposium

Society Memberships

- International Society of Diatom Research (Council member, 2020-now)

- Japanese Society of Diatomology (Council member, 2017-2020, 2023-now)

- Japanese Society of Phycology (Council member, 2019-2020, 2025-now)

- Phycological Society of America 

- International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae 

Editorial responsibilities

- Editorial Secretary, Phycological Research (2014-2017)

- Associate Editor, Phycological Research (2024-now)

- Associate Editor, Phycologia (2024-now)

- Associate Editor, Diatom Research (2011-2023)

- Associate Editor, DIATOM (2015-2018, 2023-now)

- Review Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science (2024-now)

- Editor in Chief, DIATOM (2019-2022)

- Manuscripts reviewed for: Applied Sciences, Biology, Deep Sea Research, Diatom, European Journal of Phycology, Fottea, Harmful Algae, The ISME Journal, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, Journal of Phycology, Nova Hedwigia, Organisms Diversity and Evolution, Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, Phycologia, Phycological Research, Phytotaxa, Plants, PLoS ONE, Protist, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Scientific Reports, Toxins, Vie et Milieu - Life & Environment

- Peer review of grant applications to: Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, Belgium)


- 2023.12 福井県海浜自然センターでの自然教室紹介

- 2023.10 北國新聞「清流の敵 外来藻を初確認」

- 2023.03 FBCラジオ「ユーグレディオ」での研究紹介

- 2023.03 NHK NEWS WEB:高島市の安曇川 外来種ケイソウを関西で初確認 繁殖防止を

- 2023.03 京都新聞:琵琶湖に注ぐ川、アユなどに悪影響恐れのケイソウ発見 外来種、近畿で初

- 2023.02 読売新聞オンライン:生態系に影響 外来ケイソウ

- 2023.02 朝日新聞デジタル:アユ漁場を荒らす外来種の珪藻、近畿でも発見 琵琶湖に注ぐ安曇川

- 2023.02 毎日新聞:滋賀・安曇川に外来種ケイソウ 近畿で初確認 アユ激減の恐れも

- 2023.02 毎日新聞 福井:外来ケイソウ近畿に 滋賀・高島 福井県立大生が発見、初確認 繁殖拡大を警戒

- 2023.02 滋賀県広報:外来種ミズワタクチビルケイソウが近畿地方で初めて安曇川でみつかりました

- 2023.02 滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館 お知らせ : 外来種ミズワタクチビルケイソウが近畿地方で初めて

- 2023.02 福井県立大学 お知らせ : 外来種の珪藻ミズワタクチビルケイソウの近畿地方からの初記録

- 2022.12 福井県海浜自然センターでの自然教室紹介

- 2022.07 夢ナビ動画「ガラスの細胞壁を持つ藻」


- 2019.02 FBCラジオ ようこそ県大研究室へ「JSTさくらサイエンスプロジェクト」

- 2018.12 さくらサイエンスプログラム活動レポート「アジアの若者が藻類学の最先端研究を学ぶ」

- 2018.11 毎日新聞 福井版 学ぼっさ「ケイ藻の神秘探る」

- 2017.10 FBCラジオ ようこそ県大研究室へ「珪藻の研究」

- 2012.10 The Botanics 特集記事

- 2012.02 Labtimes 研究紹介インタビュー

- 福井県立大学 教員紹介ページ

- 海洋生物学研究室 研究室HP

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